Well, we have completed training camp for our 10/40 route! I’m here at the airport about to take off, first to Paris for an 8-hour layover followed by Dubai for a 12-hour layover, and finally Kyrgyzstan for our first destination! Our first week in Georgia seemed like a whirlwind of information, so I will focus on that in this blog! We completed a course outside of AIM training, specifically for the 10/40 window, called “Perspectives”. First off, I want to mention that if it is at all possible to do this course I would highly recommend it. I’m not much of a sit-in-class kind of person but I truly enjoyed even the long days.
The Gospel is Relational
If there was only 1 thing you could remember from this blog, I would want it to be that the Gospel is relational. Let me explain…. I always thought of sharing the Gospel as going out -> ATL (ask the Lord) on what He is speaking over people or who to talk to -> praying for people, encouraging them, sharing the Gospel, etc. -> that’s that. After further understanding God’s heart for His people this week, I understand that’s great, but He doesn’t want it to stop there. We are called to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:19) not just “go, share the Gospel, repeat”. God’s heart is for us to make long-lasting relationships through the people He puts in our pathway… long-lasting relationships for Him and His children. I want to be someone who not only shares Jesus with those in need but someone who continues to disciple so that they not only can grow closer to the King but therefore GO AND MAKE DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS, themselves. I truly believe that is the Lord’s heart in sharing the Gospel, it’s meant to be relational. Even if that isn’t me keeping that relationship, simply partnering with others to make sure they are well fed. That is something we will be doing over these next 5 months and I’m so grateful the Lord opened my eyes to this perspective before heading out. I will be seeking out partnerships in the Kingdom to sow the seeds the local missionaries have been planting for years and years to come.
God is relational with me
God wants us and invites us into partnering with Him every day, not for His sake, but for the sake of a relationship with us. A helpful visual was when young kids wanted to help in the kitchen. Do they need to help? No. Does it sometimes make everything more complicated? 9/10 times, yes. Despite that example being similar to us while assisting God in His plan to reach every nation, tribe, and language, (Revelation 7:9) even when we make a mess of things He loves us so much and just wants us to be involved in His plan for the sake of relationship. This is demonstrated and consistent throughout the entire Bible! (Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Esther, Saul/Paul, John, etc etc etc)
So how can we bless the Lord in return and reciprocate the relationship? By worshiping! In American culture, we think of worship as singing Hymns or repeating the lyrics of a song for 10+ minutes but I can guarantee you worship is so so much more…. singing, serving, obedience, giving, praying.. really anything relational with Him. We aren’t forced to have a relationship with Him but it’s all He wants from us and is the only gift we can offer back to Him!
We are blessed to Bless others
I feel like it’s well known that other cultures are very generous with what they are blessed with. Most of the time they aren’t even giving to others out of blessings, they are giving to others out of their provision. Another visual is when they get 3 eggs their mind goes to using one for their family and gifting the others to neighbors or potential visits from others. That was convicting for me to understand deeper because the typical response in our culture would be receiving the blessing of 3 eggs and thinking of how we can use it for ourselves. I know eggs aren’t the best example but my point is when we are blessed in America, we receive it as a blessing while most cultures see it as a way to bless others. Through God’s eyes, we are blessed to bless others. Keep that in mind when receiving blessings next time.
Viewing the world through God’s lens
Probably one of my favorite lessons from the course was when we learned further depths of how God views this world. I remember way back learning this in training camp, round 1, but having a whole 3-hour lesson on this topic was even more eye-opening. I realized how easily the lens of this world slips back into how we think and how we see, affecting everything. When we are truly using the lens that the Lord gives us we see his works everywhere and desire to partner in that. We are all “called” to the great commission, it’s not a calling, it’s a mandate. You can be saved but still view the world through a “self/ world lens.” If you keep the lens of the Lord on those pretty little eyes that the Lord blessed you with, you will see just how He wants to partner with you daily. Pick up your cross, surrender the blessing of breathing in your lungs, capable hands and feet to serve, and ask how He wants to use you. What a beautiful gift to Him that is. Don’t forget He can use that in super simple ways such as praying, creating prayer groups, a conversation, etc) This mission of every nation, tribe, and language that the Lord is on will happen whether we choose to partner with Him in it or not. That’s a promise. (Mat. 24:14) He told us to count the cost of following Him… this is a part of what He was referring to when telling us to count the cost. It is costly for us to surrender our lives to Him in this world but that doesn’t go without saying the treasures stored up in our eternal home will outweigh this immensely.
Simple Hope
Another helpful perspective I gained was, how simply bringing hope to the nation changes so much. So many people dread another day in the life they are placed and one of our perspective teachers encouraged us with stories of bringing hope. In her experience, her team helped tribes break out of their mindset of dread by bringing up outside-of-the-box thoughts. They started using the gifts God gave them to make tents and needed supplies in their local towns which resulted in their tribes and communities growing and being able to sustain themselves. Once nations can sustain themselves they can break free from ways they used to sustain themselves such as the traffic industry. Another example is showing nations the power of numbers and empowering women. A lot of places highly devalue women resulting in them not living their full potential and raising their kids to do the same. When this organization focused on women’s ministry and showed them what they are capable of, the base of homes vastly improved resulting in long-term results of healthier living and escaping so many horrible things that are so common in other countries. Once the nations know what they are capable of it’s so much easier to break free from darkness. When Jesus enters the picture He brings true life into these communities and identity which changes everything.
Anywho those were some highlights that have stuck with me. After perspective class, we had another 2 weeks of training camp. Some felt repetitive considering we heard these teachings a little over a year ago. My favorite part of training camp ended up being making new friendships with our fellow Squad friends. Besides us, 3 other squads did training camp these last 2 weeks. 1 going to Africa, one going to Central America, & 1 going all over for 11 months. Everyone was so sweet and since most other squads are new to traveling, we got to share some of our experiences ( since we are an alumni squad). To wrap up this blog I will share one visual that stuck out to me. A huge question I’ve had almost every season of my faith is how I know I am hearing the Lord’s voice/ discerning correctly. One of our teachers said it is similar to hunting deer (hear me out here). It’s easy for a seasoned hunter to know when it is a deer that is walking around even with lots of other little critters running around. How? Well, they’ve taken time in the woods, waiting for deer, making mistakes, thinking rabbits were deer, etc etc. It took time to discern when the difference between sounds. Hearing the Lord is similar which is why making mistakes is so important in our walk with Christ. It takes time to discern when we are mistaken and when we are correct. I understood this and it helped me have more grace for myself in my faith journey!
Can’t wait to give an update on life in Kyrgyzstan. Thanks for reading! Pray for safety, health, opportunities, and depth in relationships.
Our Squad
our sleeping room!
fun times!
our hike through Georgia!
CGA & Serve Team Friends
Great blog, Ceciley! Sounds like it was great training and you gleaned a lot from it! So incredibly proud of you! As always, praying for you and your squad!
Love you!
Thank you! Love you! 🤍
What a wonderful way to start your 10/40 trip! Praying for you and the whole team!
Teri Jernigan
Amen, thanks so much!!
Ceciley, You are one awesome young lady! Your vision is also awesome. Thank you for sharing your faith, which happens to be the substance that you are made of. I am so proud of you and look forward to future BLOGS, Grampa
Thank you, love you!