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   We have been in Kyrgyzstan for a little over a week now. I just now feel like my body has adjusted to this time zone! Typically jet lag doesn’t affect me but this time. It got me good. I’m grateful to be beginning a routine and making more connections every day I go out of this house. It’s honestly so beautiful how. Easily connections are formed here. Part of that most certainly has to do with the fact we are from America and almost every person here is trying to learn English, but also they are simply a relational culture. This goes along perfectly with our ministry here because our ministry here is simply to form relationships. I truly love it.

   Something the Lord has been opening my eyes to through this relational culture and from being here is living an interruptable life. I see now, the ways I’ve missed so much from being only focused on my task at hand instead of my surroundings. How did He open my eyes to this? Great question. Let me share some testimonies with you…..

   Last Sunday my team and I decided to go out to a coffee shop for lunch. After we finished up our meal and enjoyed each other’s company, we all agreed to stop by the grocery store before heading home. On our way into the grocery store, we noticed a homeless woman outside. So on our way out, we decided to simply sit with her and hear part of her story… through translation apps and our limited russian knowledge of course. We proceeded to pray for her and even though she still struggles with pain and stiffness on the left side of her body, the joy imparted through a simple conversation and being noticed was moving for her and us. We were encouraged just as she was. As we continued our journey home, not even 5 minutes later, we noticed a man on the sidewalk had fallen. His wife was helplessly trying to get him up but due to the ice everywhere, she was struggling. One of the guys on my team was able to help him to his feet though we noticed quickly that his knee was very injured. He thanked us along with his wife before they started to walk… and hobble away. We stopped them once more to request to pray over them. The women accepted and gave us topic after topic to bring forth upon the Lord in prayer. Meanwhile, her husband attempted to continue to walk away, though another teammate caught up with him to offer out a prayer of healing before the Lord. Halfway through our many prayers, the man’s face lit up and he quickly walked back to the rest of us… without a limp or any pain! Not only did his walk look different, but the misery previously on his face had been completely lifted. As he and his wife were in awe, we explained how this is all Jesus, simply wanting His son and daughter in a relationship with Him, revealing His love for them.  I’m so grateful I got to witness Jesus’s healing touch so evidently and unexplainable imparted! Though I don’t understand why this man on the sidewalk was healed, meanwhile the homeless woman is still sitting in pain, I know that God sees the overall picture and does not withhold good gifts upon his children.

  Now you see, if we had fallen into the part of us that wanted to simply get back inside of our warm house and finish the things on our to-do list, we would’ve missed the joy imparted and the healing touch we witnessed. This applies inside our very team as well. Living in community shows me the importance of being sensitive to the needs all around me within the team and outside of it. I’ve found the best conversations and most memorable moments come from looking at what’s in front of me and asking the Lord how I can press into that exact thing… whether that’s sitting to listen, sharing, or hopping in on a card game. This also surrenders the part of me that needs to know exactly what comes next in our schedule. ( very American mindset) Speaking of, the fact our schedule is changed almost hourly has been an adjustment as well. Our plans have been swallowed up in accepting invitations almost every night of ministry. Bible studies, dinner outings, long walks through the cold city… yet as mentioned before, these spontaneous moments are becoming my favorite. While sitting in a Bible study we got thrown on us last minute, I only wanted to be snuggled up in my warm bed at 9:30pm haha. That exactly is where the Lord met me in my self-pity and reminded me, this very moment is the reason we are here. To be open vessels, following His leading, every moment. That is where He had us that evening and changing my outlook after that moment, I was able to notice the beautiful ways He was moving through us and find joy in it. It ended up being one of my favorite evenings!

So, as you can see, life here has been an adjustment that has shifted my perspective so beautifully. I’m grateful for this team and what God has to offer for the next 3 weeks here. Some ways you can be praying for my team and I, are….  
– Continued divine encounters & connections
– Open hearts of those we run into
– Health over our team and lungs as some people get over colds and the air quality is not good.
– Unity in our team!

Can’t wait to share how the Lord moves these next few weeks! As you are praying for my team, I encourage you to ask the Lord to reveal His glory to you in new ways!  Thanks for reading, I would love to hear testimonies! 🙂


It is very cold here! 

They LOVE their bread here! As for this squad picture, we didn’t ask for this picture but they made it anyway haha

10 responses to “Interruptable Living”

  1. I love this post! It is convicting to read because I put too much emphasis on tasks at hand. Thank you for your testimony! God is goood!

  2. Thanks for sharing your journey with us, I am so encouraged in your growth and wisdom! Keep it up!! Know that you are loved and prayed for!!
    Stephen and Teri Jernigan

  3. Great read, Ceciley. Praying for you and your team. Praying you can continue to work yourself out of our American driven mindset to build those relationships. Love you.

  4. Ceciley, you are one awesome writer. I imagine that seeing the young man being healed was the new venture of faith for you. Just reading about it was so fascinating☝️👍🙏; Thanks for sharing those experiences with me!!!!
    Love and Admiration, Grampa

  5. LOVE you, Cecily! It’s so great hearing about your time in Kyrgyzstan!! Praying for you. Miss you 🙂