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   As I say with every country, this time has come and gone SO quickly. This past Friday, we had our final debrief with our partners and it gave flashbacks to day 1, which we acknowledged felt like just yesterday! The Lord truly has done so much here and I feel so blessed to have been even a small part in someone’s big picture.

   I walked into this city knowing that even if we saw no fruit from our time here, it was worth it. Despite that heart posture and knowledge, I was blown away by the miracles we saw. I’ll share a few that stand out in my mind…..

   I won’t disclose names for privacy, but a girl I met one of the first days here, I noticed was super committed to being involved with whatever our team took part in. She was interested in learning English and saw the opportunity to immerse herself in the language by hanging out with us. One day after playing volleyball, our team went out for dinner with one other local volunteer.  We invited our newfound friend to join us for dinner. The topic of God was brought up, but quickly brushed off and closed down because of her lack of interest.  Despite that, we figured why not still welcome her to join us for church the next morning!   After later sending more details, she replied with an explanation that she isn’t allowed to attend church with us, due to her religion’s rules.  I said no problem and we continued pursuing friendship!  My friend and I hung out with her the following week a few times and continued to build the relationship, alongside some other short-term volunteers!  After 2 weeks of pursuing a friendship, I received a text asking if she could join us for church the following morning.  I was ecstatic!  I sent her the information and the next morning we were sitting in church together!!! Lo and behold, ever since that first invitation to church, she had been not only seeking but FINDING the true living God, through His word online!  She explained how typically, reading is simply not an interest of hers but this book, she simply can NOT put down, it’s too good!  I explained how it is because God’s word is ALIVE AND ACTIVE, sharper than any 2 edged sword.  (Hebrews 4:12)  She had picture after picture of different scriptures and a notebook full of revelations from the Lord.  Truly, her child-like faith encouraged my own!   The next few days she continued to share what the Lord has been teaching her, to our whole team.  Finally, she joined our study that weekend and decided to give her all to Christ and was ready to be baptized to publicly acknowledge her faith!  Someone I truly believe had no interest ended up giving her all!  Wow, I’m blown away time and time again by God breaking all the boxes I put Him in.

   God also showed me the power of simple love and His TRUTH is the best way to love people. A few times, we decided to go out and strike up a conversation with strangers.  The way that eyes were truly lit up after sharing the Good News, was encouraging.  Typically these kinds of relationships were a one-time conversation, yet I saw and heard of different seeds the Lord had planted in lives far before our coming!!  How encouraging?!  I found when strangers talk to us they feel a unique connection.  We know it’s the Holy Spirit and their heart longing for Jesus but they have yet to understand that.  Pray for more laborers to bring the Good News to Kyrgyzstan!!

   God showed me despite my lack of faith, HE is working behind the scenes in every life!  Relationships and loving well, without seeing fruit, are SO powerful!  I found myself taking on pressure to share the Good News in every conversation, and I missed simply being present and inviting His presence/love into the conversation first.  I learned to simply be in tune with what the Holy Spirit asks of me and the Lord will take care of the rest.  It’s outside His will for me to take on the burden of salvation as well as prideful to believe I can even do that myself.  God is so gentle in correcting our human hearts though!

   We made SO many sweet connections, that I could write a book about, but all this is to say the harvest is ripe and ready to hear AND receive in Kyrgyzstan.  This month was so sweet to build friendships and see a whole new side of God’s heart, I’m so grateful for our time there!

As we continue our journey some prayer requests are-

  • God’s continued blessing upon Kyrgyzstan and His children there!
  • the Lord’s provision over our team

Guidance over the next few weeks before debriefing!


I just think this is cute hehe!
Ala Archa National Park!  SO PRETTY!

Basic city pic 🙂


3 responses to “Breaking All the Boxes”

  1. Dear Ceciley , I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for your support and mentorship on my journey to finding faith in Jesus Christ. Your words, actions, and personal example have been a source of inspiration and have guided me to a spiritual path.
    Thanks to your help, I have come to understand the significance of faith more deeply and have felt the presence of God’s love in my life. Your involvement and care played a crucial role in this important event for me.
    May the Lord bless you and your loved ones, granting peace, joy, and grace.

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